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JOURNEY (noun) …An act of travelling from one place to another.

 Photography has been used to record peoples journeys, which can be literal or metaphorical, since its creation. Now it is your turn...


 You are tasked with creating a series of six images that record a journey you under took. Could you record the difference between your two locations? Maybe you notice something during your journey worthy of your cameras attention or even simply documenting the journey itself. 


 The focus of this assignment is to present a journey you have taken (could be the countryside, through a city etc) in the most visually interesting way possible! That means no "stand there and take a picture" poses. Here are some top tips!


1. Try getting close up to a subject, perhaps even have it fill part of the frame up? 

2. Try many different angles. Have you tried getting up higher? (carefully!) What about getting lower, even lying on the ground?

3. Where is the light coming from? Angle yourself to get the most interesting lighting you can. Could you even shoot with the light source towards you?

4. Try shooting THROUGH a subject, such as a gap in some trees, to focus on something else. This is called "sub framing".


 You can use any equipment you feel comfortable with. If you have a DSLR camera and feel happy to use it then go ahead! If you are simply rocking up with your phone that is fine too! This is all about HOW YOU FRAME YOUR SUBJECT.

The following steps will help you:

1. Watch the videos below about creative composition. This will hopefully give you some ideas on how to get started on approaching your subject in a much more creative way!

2. Have a look at the Composition page to gain an understanding of some other techniques you could consider. You can click here to get it.

3. Have a look at some of the artist examples below in terms of creative recording of a journey. Could you take inspiration from them? Perhaps use Pinterest or Lens Culture to research and discover more creative inspiration?

4. Create a title page called "Journey" and briefly explain how you interrupted the brief and the creative approach you took. How did you approach the task? What did you intend to capture as you want out on your "journey"?

5. Take AS MANY PHOTOGRAPHS as you can! Explore as many different compositions and ideas as you can while you are out! This will give you more options later on.

6. Select 6 final images to present in your sketchbook ready for an open discussion about your images, along with the rest of the class, during your first lesson. Remember that you only have 6 spaces in your final images, so think carefully and critically if each image you select is worthy of a space. If you are struggling with printing then please have them ready digitally so we can print them once we return.

7. Reflect BRIEFLY on your images. How did you approach your subject? Why did you compose your image the way you did? What effect were you aiming to gain?

 This is due in, ready to present, on your first lesson in Sept. If you require any assistance, or would like some feedback as you shoot, please drop me an email:


Use the links below to assist you and happy shooting!


Mr Simmons


Watch the videos below to gain some useful insight into how you can begin to explore more creative compositons within your work.


Here are some photographers to get you can use these or find your own using the 'links' button above.


Click on the image to see more...


Here are some examples of how past students have approached this topic.

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